Hi IlliniThon
Hi IlliniThon!!! Hope y’all are well and getting PUMPED for the big event in less than a month already!!! It’s coming very fast and I know I’m really excited. AND SO ARE OUR AMAZING MIRACLE CHILDREN!!!! This week on the IlliniThon blog, I’m taking an inside look at some of the milestones our miracles have made recently, as they have all come such a long way and made so many amazing memories as we have watched them grow up thus far! The kids I decided to focus on are...drumroll please…..Levi, Brenna, and Peyton! Levi Muller Levi’s facebook page (for updates on his journey!) : https://www.facebook.com/pg/LevisMonkeyWarriors/about/?ref=page_internal Mrs. Muller’s blog: http://www.joyhopefamily.com/ Levi is currently 7 years old now, but turns 8 just about 2.5 weeks after the big event! Levi’s family recently moved to St. Louis from Springfield, and they are loving it!! As I scrolled through the update’s Levi’s mom has posted in the last two years, one of his biggest milestones was definitely adjusting through their move, and attending a new school! Levi has definitely seemed to settle in nicely in his new environment, and has made friends along the way, especially at his bus stop. Back in January, Levi went out in the snow and really enjoyed the first snow of the season, which had been a challenge in the past, as his mom noted on his facebook page. Levi also now has a 504 plan at school, which has made his learning environment much more suited for such a unique kiddo. Recently, Levi also celebrated Valentine’s day at school with all of his classmates, and really enjoyed the party, especially being able to have his mom there. Levi works really hard on his social skills and it has paid off especially at the bus stop, where he made one of his first friends in St. Louis! And as the weather became nicer, Mrs. Muller shared video of Levi mastering balance while riding a razor scooter! This was really incredible to see, as he had been working on this for four years, and he finally was able to do it. While these things may seem like small milestones, they have the the biggest impact for Levi, as all of his hard work has paid off for each of these milestones. Levi is the type of kiddo who has a milestone every single day, and regardless of how big it may or may not seem, he succeeds everyday and is able to just keep moving forward. Brenna Westlake Instagram: @cwestlake Website: courtneywestlake.com Brenna just turned FIVE years old in December, which is a HUGE milestone! Before her mom knows it, i’m sure Brenna will be double digits. Happy belated birthday, sweet girl! Lately Brenna has been quite the social butterfly! She recently attended TWO dance marathons, one for a central IL high school, and the other one at the University of Illinois - Springfield! This girl clearly never stops, as she has been going and going at all of these dance marathons! Brenna also is in school and is loving it by the looks of all the pictures her mom shares of her at school. She has made a lot of crafts and has shared a lot of smiles with us via social media at school. Soon Brenna will get to celebrate another milestone- Brenna and her family will be going to Disney World!!!! I’m so excited she will be able to go with her family and enjoy the most magical place on earth with her family. Brenna is really just a happy, outgoing and thriving little kiddo, and it’s amazing to see her grow up as the happy and loving five year old she is. Peyton Skrysak Insta: @skrynews Facebook: stacey skrysak Peyton is currently 3 years old, and attends preschool. I honestly don’t know if i’ve ever met anyone who seems to love school as much as Miss P does. Weekly, her mom share’s lots of smiley, and adorable pictures of Miss P and her #toddlerstyle as she takes on the demands of being a part time preschooler, including her dog as well. Peyton also has visited her mom’s tv studio, bringing her class pet “fluffy” along for the ride! Recently, we all got to skype with peyton, and she has discovered Paw Patrol, which feels like a milestone in of itself for her, as it has quickly become her favorite show. Peyton also was able to go to a mall and visit Santa this past year, which was a big step up for her, as her immune system isn’t as strong as other kiddos her age. Peyton’s milestones in the beginning of her life were such big ones, as a surviving 22 week preemie. She has made such big leaps and bounds as she has become such a strong and healthy little girl over the last 2 years. As of lately, Miss P seems to be enjoying attending preschool and just growing up and being a kid, and enjoying all the things that comes with childhood, such as hair long enough for “piggy tails” and visiting santa and celebrating Valentine’s day with her classmates at school. This past year, Peyton’s family has also started the Triple Heart Foundation, in honor of Peyton’s brother and sister, Parker and Abby. They have given back so much to the St. John’s NICU through events in their community such as book drives and giving babies in the NICU little hats and bows. Both Peyton and her family have enjoyed such exciting milestones already in 2017, and I can’t wait to see what else the Skrysaks are up to this year, as Peyton turns 4!!! For our miracle kiddos, it’s the small steps that really make leaps and bounds. They are such incredible and inspiring kids, and I can’t wait to continue seeing them grow up and reach milestones as they do! Thanks for reading everyone!